The Polemology of Contemporary Liberal Capitalist Thought and Its Theoretical Justifications
Polemology, war, capitalism, liberalismAbstract
Polemology is one of the contemporary concepts established by Gaston Bouthoul to create a science of war focused on studying the manifestations and functions of war. This allows for an analysis of war and its relation to liberal thought and its contemporary capitalist system, and its role within them. By conducting an in-depth study of various stages of liberal thought and capitalism, its theorists have only seen an "anti-war thought" reflected in the theory of "liberal democratic peace," which presents capitalism and democracy through their cosmopolitan project as guarantors of peace. The study examines capitalism and liberalism in all their stages and their outcomes, including mercantile colonial wars, military accumulation, imperialist wars, up to globalization wars, and the war on terror. It also explores the theoretical justifications underlying the political thought of neoconservatives and the theory of just war
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