The Problem of Xinjiang Region Between The Chinese Policy of Persecution and International Actors


  • Ali Abbas Obaid University of Baghdad/ College of Political Science



Xinjiang region, Uyghur, Chinese oppression, active forces


The Xinjiang region in China is experiencing political and social tensions stemming from the Chinese policy of repression, ongoing protests, and international criticism. The Chinese policy in this region is part of the Chinese government’s efforts to combat terrorism, disorder, and separatist movements in the region. However, this policy faces significant criticism from human rights groups and international organizations. This policy includes a set of repressive measures such as arbitrary arrest, torture, executions, and restrictions on the personal and religious freedoms of the population of the region; in addition to intensive surveillance measures such as cameras and electronic spying. These measures constitute a violation of fundamental human rights and unfairly target the Uyghur and other Muslim minorities in the region. Some international parties and human rights organizations are trying to work to document and raise public awareness about what is happening in Xinjiang by collecting evidence, publishing reports, and providing legal assistance to the aggrieved population. This aims to increase international pressure on China and enhance awareness of human rights. However, there is still difficulty in reaching an international consensus on how to deal with this problem. Accordingly, the international community must proceed with continuous efforts to pressure China to improve the human rights situation in Xinjiang and work to find a peaceful solution that achieves justice


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How to Cite

Obaid, A. A. . (2024). The Problem of Xinjiang Region Between The Chinese Policy of Persecution and International Actors. Political Sciences Journal, 68, 239-264.

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