The Role of the Legislative Authority in Overseeing the Actions of the Executive Authority under the Federal Constitution in Iraq
Parliament, executive authority, Iraq, oversight, federal constitution, means of oversight, effectiveness of oversightAbstract
The executive authority practices several tasks that have a significant impact on the life of the state, society, and individuals. These actions cannot be left without supervision, to prevent tyranny or misconduct. Several reviews are practiced on the decisions of the executive authority, until the executive action is consistent with the constitution, legislation, and applicable regulations. In addition, there is oversight of the legislative authority. Parliament in Iraq has been granted powers to review the work and performance of the executive authority in a way that ensures its compliance with the federal constitution.
The variables that the research focuses on are related to the presence of major tasks for the executive authority, and the existence of roles and powers for Parliament, including oversight of the performance of the executive authority, in a way that ensures compliance with the federal constitution.
The aim of this research is to: point out the importance of the powers granted to the Iraqi parliament, ensuring the establishment of the state of law, that is, the existence of a legal reference, in the form of a legal pyramid, starting with the federal constitution, which imposes itself on all authorities and institutions in the country.
The research concludes that: The executive authority, within the framework of the Iraqi parliamentary system, has flexibility in managing various political activities, according to the space granted by the constitution to that authority, and with the intention of preventing arbitrariness, tyranny, or bypassing the constitution, granting Parliament the right to oversight, and that Parliament has multiple tools in the exercise of oversight, under the Federal Constitution.
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