The Relationship Between Succession of Authority and Political Stability:  Iraq as a Case Study


  • Asa’ad Tarish Abdul Ridaah University of Baghdad/ College of Political Science



authority, state, political stability, succession to authority


This research examines the relationship between succession of authority and political stability (Iraq as a case study). It explores how different patterns of authority affect the stability of the political regime. It is important to note that the transfer of authority, whether peacefully or non-peacefully, has been referred to by various terms such as succession, rotation, or alternation of authority, among others. The manner in which authority is transferred can have significant impacts on political stability, as mismanagement of authority often leads to instability, conflict, and state fragility. The study concludes with a number of recommendations and findings aimed at enhancing the stability of political transitions in Iraq and similar contexts.


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How to Cite

Abdul Ridaah, A. T. . (2024). The Relationship Between Succession of Authority and Political Stability:  Iraq as a Case Study. Political Sciences Journal, 68, 53-82.

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