Post-Islamism and the Crisis of Thinking About the State


  • Ayad Al-Anber University of Baghdad/ Center For Strategic And International Studies



Post-Islamism, State, Democracy, Secularism


The research idea argues the necessity change of the contemporary Islamic political thought from old sample to the thinking about the reality of the state and democracy as a concept and practice, which the Islamic society is experiencing.

The idea of post-Islamism which was explained by researchers and experts in Islamic studies is considered a new transition to the re-thinking of the traditional Islamism theory, that focuses on the transition stage of theoretical thinking on the issues of the state and democratic system to the stage of direct dealing with authority, after many political Islam parties moved from the opposition to exercising or participating in power.

The theory of post-Islamism aims to, participate in formulating a political vision that frames the intellectual orientation of political Islam movements, and establishes the transition from preaching to participation and interaction in political life as well, providing a realistic vision for participation in political decision-making away from the preoccupations of Islamic revivalist movements that have focused on the identity crisis.

This research focused on discussing and analyzing three main topics: the first is the interest in the theoretical framework of what is post-Islamism. Secondly, it examines how the foundations on which democracy can be dealt with. The third examines the relationship between religion and the state from a perspective that attempts to transcend the model of extreme secularism.


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How to Cite

Al-Anber, A. . (2024). Post-Islamism and the Crisis of Thinking About the State. Political Sciences Journal, 67, 57-92.

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