The Impact of Environmental Deterioration in International Relations


  • Saad Hakki Tawfik University of Baghdad/ College of Political Science



Environmental Pollution, Global Warming, Renewable Energy, Clean Environment


The Environmental issue was not given sufficient attention until the last quarter of the twentieth Century. Negative phenomena that were harmful to human life occurred, such as floods, earthquakes, and holes in the ozone layer which protect the atmosphere from the leakage of sunlight rays which is harmful to human life.

The use of fossil fuels (Coal, Oil, and Gas) for industrial purposes and for house fuel and transportation has led to the increase in carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere, which is harmful to environment and human health, causing climate change, as floods and abnormally heavy rains occurred in some regions of the world, while other regions suffered from drought and desertification.

The issue of Climate deterioration has become a global issue that concerns all countries of the world because its effects extended to the entire globe, which necessitated the establishment of joint International cooperation to consider how to address it and get rid of its effects, and hold periodic international conferences that issued many decisions and measures to mitigate its effects, and strive to prevent rising temperatures, abandon using fossil fuels, stop deforestation, and move to clean energy.


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How to Cite

The Impact of Environmental Deterioration in International Relations. (2024). Political Sciences Journal, 67, 1-34.

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