Means of activating the role of civil society institutions in Iraq


  • Dr. Hind Mahmoud Hamid University of Baghdad / Political Systems/College of Political Science



The society , Civil , Institutions


    The concept of civil society is one of the relatively recent concepts that have emerged clearly on the political and social arena especially in European countries, where it effectively contributes to the process of democratic transformation through the multiple roles and functions that it exercises, and acts as mediator between the state and the individual. Civil society in essence works to bring about change in society whether it is political, economic, social or cultural .The civil society appeared in Iraq after 2003, as is the case with many concepts that entered Iraq and took upon themselves the building of a democratic Iraq .Accordingly civil society institutions are the entity capable of rebuilding the Iraqi personality in various aspects and achieving national unity, and this requires that the means be available. Which would work to strengthen and activate its role in society.           


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How to Cite

Hamid, D. H. M. . (2022). Means of activating the role of civil society institutions in Iraq. Political Sciences Journal, 63, 445-477.

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