Islamic feminism is a discussion of paths for establishing an Islamic epistemology


  • أ.م.د.سناء كاظم كاطع College of Political Sciences / University of Baghdad



feminism, Islamic feminism, Islamic epistemology


If feminist philosophy in the context of feminist research focuses on how to produce an alternative knowledge and culture for women and forming anew awareness of their roles in the face of prevailing misconceptions then the topic of Islamic feminism is presented as a philosophical topic in the field of human knowledge to discuss how to produce an alternative knowledge of traditional knowledge prevailing in patriarchal societies to restore the balance of power and authority in the relationship between the sexes to create an effective feminist role in advocating for and defending womenś issues to achieve this Islamic feminism sought to establish an Islamic epistemology .


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How to Cite

كاطع أ. ك. (2020). Islamic feminism is a discussion of paths for establishing an Islamic epistemology. Political Sciences Journal, 60, 35-72.

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