Role of the executive in federal experiences: a study of selected models


  • Asst.Prof.Abdulaziz Elewi Abed University of Anbr – Colleg of low and political science



provinces, Executive Authority ، Federal،


Receipt date:06/23/2020 accepted date:7/15/2020 Publication date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The executive authority differs from one country to another, as it differs from a federal state to another according to the nature of the applied political systems, so this research focused on federal states according to their political systems, then going into the details of the executive authority and its role In the federal states by referring to the four federal experiments, which are India and Iraq, as two parliamentary federal states, as well as the United States and Nigeria, as two states that follow the presidential system, as these experiences indicated a significant difference in the role of the executive authority that is It extends the head of state great powers in the presidential states that follow the federal form of the state, unlike the federal parliamentary states


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How to Cite

Abed, A. E. (2021). Role of the executive in federal experiences: a study of selected models. Political Sciences Journal, 62, 104-130.

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