The dialectics of democracy and development in Iraq after 2003


  • Amal Hindi Al-Khazali University of Baghdad/ College of Political Science



Development, Iraq, democratic transformation, rentier economy


In the context of the transition from a totalitarian regime to a pluralistic democratic government in Iraq after 2003, the problem of the relationship between democratic transformation and development has become more urgent, as the political debate has focused on the ability of democracy and direct participation in supporting national ownership of development planning and its contribution to the policy-making process directed towards effective solutions. It is sustaining economic reforms that would reconcile political parties' competing interests and priorities through dialogue, consensus, and joint action.

Political practice over the past two decades has proven that the greatest limits concerning democracy’s contribution to development are cases of weak economic performance along with the continuation of economic problems in the new political system, which requires serious work to establish and amend economic laws to suit the nature of the democratic system and work on develop and consolidate work. Participatory participation contributes to developing the economic structure to create an Iraqi economic model with multiple sources to overcome the negative aspects of the existing rentier system.


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How to Cite

The dialectics of democracy and development in Iraq after 2003. (2024). Political Sciences Journal, 67, 35-56.

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