The Dens of Extremism and Terrorism in Syrian Camps (Al-Hol as a model)
Places, extremism, terrorism, camp, al-HolAbstract
After the military defeat of the terrorist organization "ISIS" and the fall of the throne of its so-called state in the Iraqi city of Nineveh, the Syrian town of Baghuz, and the end of its territorial control, Syrian camps, particularly the "Al-Hol" camp, emerged as a breeding ground for the ideology of the "ISIS" terrorist organization, serving as a vital base for its consolidation and dissemination. The camp houses between 68,000 and 73,000 people. In the years following the military defeat of "ISIS," the camp saw a widespread spread of extremist ideas by its residents, including the families of ISIS fighters, detained extremists, and those sympathetic to the group. They exploited the deteriorating environmental, service, and health conditions within the camp, along with the overcrowding, which paved the way for spreading the ideology of ISIS. Meanwhile, the authorities responsible for managing the camp, represented by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), were unable to control it or prevent the spread of extremist ideas among its residents.
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