The Impact of Putinism on the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict: An Analysis of the Contents of the Speeches of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the Causes of the Russian War on Ukraine in 2022
Putinism, dictatorship of laws, oligarchy, energy diplomacy, preemptive.Abstract
This research seeks to shed light on the impact of Putinism on the Russian-Ukrainian war that broke out in early 2022 by studying the contents of the speeches of Russian President Vladimir Putin before the start of the war. This research uses the structural approach in analyzing the components of the Russian political regime. The research tools used in this research include case studies, content analysis of Russian speeches, and personal meetings of researchers and specialists in Russian affairs. It sums up a number of important conclusions, most notably are: 1) Putinism is a totalitarian regime that includes the political doctrine during the era of Russian President Vladimir Putin. 2) Duginism represents the totality of the beliefs of the Russian thinker Alexander Dugin, including the Fourth political theory and Eurasianism, which was part of Putinism and not vice versa. 3) Putinism plays a major role in the outbreak of the Russian war on Ukraine at the ideological level and political decision-making within the Russian elite. 4) Putinism is developed in three main stages: the first stage includes arranging the Russian house from the inside, while the second stage is a balanced and international partnership, whereas the third stage is the quest to end unipolarity and establish a multipolar world through the preemptive strike represented by the Russian war on Ukraine in February 2022. A stage is still in the process of formation.
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