The Path of China-India Relations After 2013: Opportunities and Challenges


  • Prof. Dr. Mona Hani Mohammed Faculty of Economics and Political Science



China, India, opportunities, challenges, future prospects


China and India are considered both rising countries, and both are among the world's most populous and fastest growing economies. The long-term growth of both China and India has reinforced the importance of their bilateral relationship. The relations between China and India are complex, as relations between them have undergone great changes during the past seven decades, ranging from friendship to hostility. This study proceeds from the hypothesis that the nature and path of Sino-Indian relations after 2013 are affected by several factors and variables, some of which represent opportunities, others represent challenges and obstacles. Several opportunities have contributed to the reformulation of bilateral relations in terms of mutual gains and enhancing cooperation in various fields, especially economy. However, there are still set of challenges and restrictions that have not been reached with radical solutions which prevent the development of bilateral relations to the desired level. The study also concludes that it is the responsibility of the two countries to work together to reduce their succession, get rid of the burden of the past, and push the rapprochement and bilateral cooperation to its highest levels.


هوامش توضيحية:

* اتفاقية بانشيل: هي مجموعة من المبادئ التي تحكم العلاقات بين الدول، وتتمثل في (الاحترام المتبادل لوحدة أراضي وسيادة كل طرف، عدم الاعتداء المتبادل، عدم التدخل المتبادل في الشؤون الداخلية للآخر، المساواة والمنفعة المتبادلة، والتعايش السلمي).

* الإصلاحات الاقتصادية: أطلق الحزب الشيوعي الصيني بزعامة دنج شياو بينج في عام 1978سلسلة من الإصلاحات الاقتصادية تقوم على الإصلاح الداخلي والانفتاح على العالم الخارجي.

* التوازن الناعم: هو مجموعة من الاستراتيجيات غير العسكرية التي تسعى إلى تقويض القوة النسبية للدول المهددة عبر التنسيق الثنائي والمتعدد الأطراف.

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How to Cite

Mohammed, P. D. M. H. (2022). The Path of China-India Relations After 2013: Opportunities and Challenges. Political Sciences Journal, 64, 19-46.

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