The Determinants of Societal Peace in Iraq After 2003


  • Badrea Salih Abdullah University of Baghdad /Centre of Strategic and International Studies



Societal Peace, peaceful coexistence, social cohesion, national reconciliation in Iraq


After the political change in Iraq in 2003, Iraq faced security and political challenges. The reliance on consociational democracy in Iraq and sectarian quota systems in distributing governmental positions greatly impacted social cohesion in Iraq. This sectarian quota system transformed Iraqi society into groups that strengthened allegiance to tribes and clans rather than to the nation. Iraqi society cannot remain cohesive, nor can Iraq remain unified and strong, except within a framework that promotes coexistence, social peace, and participation in one unified nation while ensuring the rights of various ethnicities, minorities, and diverse religious and sectarian groups in Iraq.

There are fundamental mechanisms necessary to enhance coexistence and social peace in Iraq, including dialogue based on common interests, building state institutions based on meritocracy away from sectarian quotas, emphasizing the role of religion and religious authorities in promoting tolerance and compassion, avoiding discrimination among the components of the population based on ethnicity or religion, solidifying Iraqi national identity, and ensuring loyalty to the unified nation


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How to Cite

Abdullah, B. S. . (2024). The Determinants of Societal Peace in Iraq After 2003. Political Sciences Journal, 68, 83-110.

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