The Intellectual References for Mahdist Movements and Embassy Claims within the Islamic System: An Intellectual-Political Reading


  • Suha Hasan Sharhan University of Baghdad/ College of Political Science
  • Batool Hussein Alwan University of Baghdad College of political science



Mahdist movements, Minor absence, Political Authority, Awareness, Ignorance


The intellectual references of the Mahdist movements were not the result of the early signs of the Minor Occultation. Rather, the intellectual foundation for the Occultation was already present in the mindset of the Muslim individual; it was not an external idea. The Mahdawi concept and the idea of the Occultation were discussed and accepted by some before it actually occurred. The role of the ruling authority in this regard is also evident.

Moreover, there are a number of internal and external factors that contributed, and continue to contribute, to the rise of movements claiming Mahdawiyyah, especially with the existence of an environment that fosters and nurtures them. On the other hand, the lack of thorough follow-up on the Mahdawi issue with all its necessary conditions, which form the general framework of this matter as a historical and doctrinal issue, has greatly contributed to the legitimization of Mahdawi claims throughout history.


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How to Cite

Hasan Sharhan, S. . ., & Hussein Alwan, B. . . (2024). The Intellectual References for Mahdist Movements and Embassy Claims within the Islamic System: An Intellectual-Political Reading. Political Sciences Journal, 67, 237-263.

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