The role of the United Nations in reducing climate change and its impact on global environmental security


  • Saba Rasheed Jubair Al-Nahrain University/ College of Political Science



climate action, environment, climate change, sustainable development, evolution


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Climate change has emerged as one of the dilemmas that requires special treatment in line with the magnitude of the threats it poses to the path of development. This is what necessitated its official presentation during the first World Climate Conference held in 1979 with the participation of the World Meteorological Organization,  It was also confirmed by the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which warned that climate change constitutes an imminent threat that may be irreversible, and that the continuation of greenhouse gas emissions will lead to a multiplication of warming and changes in all components of the climate system, and that putting an end to climate change The climate requires a significant and sustained reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change also represents a complex threat, and this has been confirmed by many international documents, including the Human Development Report 2007-2008, which considered climate change a risk when it exceeds 2 degrees Celsius., This danger is the lack of scientific certainty about the effects and nature of climate change, despite the efforts made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in this regard. Although there are many relevant scientific studies. Due to this seriousness, climate change has become one of the biggest environmental challenges that the world is currently facing.

orld is currently facing.


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How to Cite

The role of the United Nations in reducing climate change and its impact on global environmental security. (2024). Political Sciences Journal, 67, 323-356.

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