The political and economic repercussions of the Chinese Marshall Plan on the Arab world


  • Asst.Ali Abbasِ Obaid University of Baghdad/ College of Political Science



(The Marshall Plan, The New Silk Road, The Initiative, The Arab Region)


China is moving towards building the largest economic power in the world, so what does this mean economically and politically for Europe, America, the Middle East and the Arab world? This project is called the expansionist Chinese Marshall Plan which is a revival of the old Silk Road in a new way. It represents the aspirations of the Chinese people and their president, Xi Jinping, to build a transport route from Asia to Europe and a railway plan to transport goods. The purpose of this is to develop the economic growth model, expand into new markets, promote the Chinese currency, and expand economic and political influence in the areas covered by the Chinese initiative. Equal opportunities in distributing investments to these countries, and the emergence of the importance of the Chinese project is due to the world’s need for stability, security, and peaceful coexistence away from the economic crises experienced by Europe or the armed conflicts experienced by the Arab countries. It is a huge economic and global project that can achieve profits for the participating countries.


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How to Cite

Obaid, A. A. (2022). The political and economic repercussions of the Chinese Marshall Plan on the Arab world. Political Sciences Journal, 64, 289-308.

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