The impact of the US military variable in reality Security in the Arab Gulf region after 2003
The military presence in the Gulf region after the British withdrawal from it in 1971 was one of the most important pillars of the American strategy to climb the ladder of global leadership, as the geostrategic features that the region enjoyed provided factors of controlling energy sources and global trade routes. The United States of America guarantees Western Europe and Japan the process of access to energy sources and the exclusion of its opponents from the region, especially the Soviet Union, and the growing American military presence in the Gulf after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. On the other hand, the region experiences many contradictions, some of which threaten its security, such as the exacerbation of disputes between its countries and the emergence of crises such as the crisis of the file of Iranian nuclear crisis, the Qatari crisis, the continuation of the Arab-Iranian disputes over the UAE islands, and the Bahrain problem, which ended with Saudi military intervention, as well as the war in Yemen. All of these problems occur with the intense US military presence in the region, which suggests a causal relationship between the US strategy adopted in the region and the continued security instability. Therefore, this research will address in detail the relationship between the American presence in the Arab Gulf region and the persistence of instability in it, especially after 2003.
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