Obstacles to achieving societal peace in Iraq after 2018


  • م.م.فاطمة عطا جبار Research and Development Department / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research




    Community peace is achieved in law-based states Constitutional institutions with competence and powers, and otherwise that peace is shaken and begins to collapse. The movement of individuals and groups in the State is regulated by law The law and its proper application without selectivity or exception, and then the sense of equal opportunity and equal rights grows every citizen looks at his spouse, what he has, and when he is unbalanced, a sense of frustration and stealing of rights is generated Societal peace suffers from the shocks of instability and what is reflected in the surrounding environment. Instead of production, demolition takes place, which impedes the achievement of the required peace.      


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13- www.aljoumhouria.com



How to Cite

Obstacles to achieving societal peace in Iraq after 2018. (2020). Political Sciences Journal, 59, 527-558. https://doi.org/10.30907/jj.v0i59.472

Publication Dates