Transitional justice: a study of the concept and mechanisms


  • أ.م.د.اسعد طارش عبد الرضا كلية العلوم السياسية/جامعة بغداد
  • الباحثة هند مالك حسن



الانتقالية، نورنمبورغ، نظام دكتاتوري، العدالة.


The concept of transitional justice is newly emerging, as it was mainly associated with addressing issues of serious breaches and abuses of human rights during conflicts and situations resulting from violence and the use of force in societies that are in the process of democratization, as transitional justice aims primarily to restore civil peace and rebuild institutions The state needs multidimensional justice: a judicial system that achieves the rule of law, corrective restoration of the wounds of the past, and a distributive characteristic of the redistribution of wealth.


القران الكريم
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سابعا - الانترنت :
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ثامنا - المصادر الاجنبية :
1 - Ruti Teitel,Editorial Note ,transitional Justice Globalized, theInternational Journal of Transitional Justice , 2008.
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3 -Lydiah Bosir , "Overomised, Underdeliverd:Transitional Justice in sub- Saharan Afica", Occasional papers Series, International Center for transitional Justice , July 2006.
4 -Ranya yusran, The Implenation of transitional justice.
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2- Kiera Mcevoy, Beyond Legalism: 'Towards a Thicker Understanding of Transitional Justice', Journal of Law and society ,vol.34 ,2007.
3 -Lydiah Bosir , "Overomised, Underdeliverd:Transitional Justice in sub- Saharan Afica", Occasional papers Series, International Center for transitional Justice , July 2006.
4 -Ranya yusran, The Implenation of transitional justice.



How to Cite

عبد الرضا أ. ط., & حسن ا. ه. م. (2020). Transitional justice: a study of the concept and mechanisms. Political Sciences Journal, 59, 117-146.

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