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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The research includes a biography of the researcher and his place of work.
  • - Researches must be uploaded to the formal website of the Journal and will be rejected if submitted by any other means
  • Submitted researches must be written in MS word program, researches typed on tabs will be rejected . The type of writing is (Sakkal Majalla), size 14 Bold with single space between lines . Headings must be 16 Bold size . Black quotations must be in size 12 and spaces on left and right side must be at least 0.5CM .
  • The second page must contain an abstract in English and Arabic language in no more than 200 word and a maximum of 5 Keywords .
  • First page must contain the title of the research in the middle in English and Arabic language and the name of the researcher is written without any academic titles in both English and Arabic language , then the following information is typed (university degree , specialization , academic title , institution and affiliation , formal email of the researcher, mobile number , and the researcher's links in GS, RG, ORCID).
  • When the research is received the Journal will notify the researcher of receiving it during 5-days work
  • The researcher will be notified of rejecting or accepting the research through a time span of 2-3 months .
  • Attach the plagiarism for the search
  • If the researcher does not abide by requirements of publication , it will lead to delay and non-publication of the submitted research .
  • Publishing fees from outside Iraq ($100) US dollars, and from inside (145,000) thousand Iraqi dinars
  • Submitted researches must be written in English or Arabic language, and its words must not exceed 8000 word.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Authors.

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