Impact of China's Rise on Restructuring the International System
China, rising power, multipolar international system, "soft" balance of power.Abstract
China presents a model of a rising international power that aspires to secure its national interests, work to strengthen its role in international politics, reshape the structure of the current international system from a unipolar system under the dominance of the United States of America to a multipolar system, And replacing the principle of individualism that the American administration adopted in its approach to various international issues with the principle of partnership in managing international affairs. while strengthening the role of the United Nations and organizing relations between countries according to the principles of justice, equality, and peaceful coexistence away from the policy of axes and blocs that prevailed during the Cold War era.
In fact, China possesses various components of power. Human, geographical, economic, military, technological, political, and civilizational qualify it to defend its vision of a new international order. However, China realizes that the task is not easy. This vision contradicts the vision of the United States of America, which has formulated a strategic goal for itself, which is to prevent the emergence of any competitor to it or even any force that aspires to play a greater role than it should from the American point of view.
Accordingly, China pursued a policy based on competition and not confrontation, meaning entering into competition with the United States of America while avoiding confrontation or direct clash.
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