The Role of the Iraqi parliament in the adoption of the federal budget after 2005


  • Dr. Abeer Mohamed Abed College of Political Sciences / University of Baghdad



general budget, legislature, Conciliatory, supervise


Receipt date: 2/2/2021 accepted date: 4/6/2021 Publication date: 12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The approval of the federal general budget in Iraq is one of the most important competencies of the legislative authority , Being one of the important financial and monetary policy instruments on which the state depends for its economic growth , Hence, the obstruction of the approval of the federal budget due to sectarian quotas, the absence of national interest, and the emergence of bargaining processes between political parties belonging to the regions and sectarianism , As well as the absence of economic plans and programs as a result of non-cognition and understanding of the nature of its supposed political system applied in Iraq and the absence of specialists would lead to a negative decline in the economic aspect, which will be stabilized on the social side and then instability of the political system.


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How to Cite

Abed, D. A. M. (2021). The Role of the Iraqi parliament in the adoption of the federal budget after 2005. Political Sciences Journal, 62, 195-230.

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