Peaceful Coexistence Between Social Components and its Impact on Political Stability in the Province of Nineveh


  • ُEmad Wagaa Ajeel
  • Hazim Ahmed



Peaceful coexistence, political stability, peace building, Nineveh


The topic of peaceful coexistence between communities is one of the important issues in this era, especially in times when conflicts and disputes are on the rise, often in the name of religion, gender, ethnicity, language, or similar factors. Writing on peaceful coexistence, peacebuilding, and tolerance is considered a new area of knowledge in Iraq in general, and in Nineveh Governorate in particular. Peaceful coexistence is a basic and essential need for the presence of individuals in society. Achieving peaceful coexistence in a society with multiple ethnicities, sects, and religions (as is the case in Nineveh) requires openness to the values and customs of a society that embraces diversity and pluralism. It also necessitates a firm belief in equality among all ethnicities, sects, and denominations. A decision to coexist peacefully among different components must be made, without any component imposing itself on the others. This is because any attempt by one component to dominate others undermines the principles of peaceful coexistence.


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How to Cite

Wagaa Ajeel ُ., & Ahmed, H. (2023). Peaceful Coexistence Between Social Components and its Impact on Political Stability in the Province of Nineveh. Political Sciences Journal, 65, 105-130.

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