The application of smart power in the regional power struggle in the Middle East after 2011


  • Prof. Dr. Israa Sharif Al-Kaoud College of Political Sciences / University of Baghdad
  • Dr. Ahmed Kamel Al-Khafaji Ministry of Foreign Affairs



smart power, conflict, regional powers, Middle east


Receipt date:12/7/2020 accepted date:24/1/2021 Publication date:31/12/2021

 Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The constant characteristic of international relations is the constant change due to political, economic and military developments in addition to technology, and this in turn has led to many transformations in the concept of power, its uses, and the elements that form power and its distribution, and according to those variables, the concept of power has shifted from hard to soft, up to smart power and its uses in politics. Foreign Affairs in a new framework based on the strategy of combining the hard and soft forces and their various tools (material and moral) according to the facts required by the situation. The use of smart power is no longer the preserve of major international powers Regional powers have used smart power, especially at the level of conflict among themselves, in order to face challenges and achieve their interests in the region and not allow other powers to obstruct their strategy, especially in the Middle East region, which is characterized by turmoil, instability, high competition and increasing conflicts in it, whether between regional powers or between international powers


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How to Cite

The application of smart power in the regional power struggle in the Middle East after 2011. (2021). Political Sciences Journal, 62, 27-54.

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