Russian-American competition in the Middle East:Power and roles conflict: Syria as a model
Syria, Russia, United States of America, Competition International system.Abstract
Because of its importance in the world, Middle East area is one of the competition areas between the major and great powers. Among those powers are Russia and United states of America. The competition between these two powers to control Syria is greatly clear since 2011. It is also one of the most important subject in the international politics. This importance comes from the importance of Russia and the United States of America besides importance of the Middle East. At the end of the cold war, United States of America maintained its role in the international system and became the only pole that dominated the international affairs while Russia tried to overcome the challenges inherited from the former Soviet Union, and it succeeded in this field. Now Russia is keen to restore its role in the international system as a great power. On the other hand the importance of the Middle East comes from the Importance of energy sources in this area besides its importance geographic site in the world.
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