The Impact of Political Thought on Human Rights


  • a.t.mohammed hazm hamd college of political science/ university of mosul



human rights, political thought, influence


 Receipt date:11/19/2020 acceptance date:10/1/2021 Publishing date:12/31/2021

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Human rights are one of the basic concepts of modern and contemporary times, and political thought as the origin of political science and its source of knowledge have impact  in this science and its branches and topics, including the subject of human rights, as the research shows that political thought has a profound influence on human rights and in a comprehensive way, theoretically based on theoretical, legal formulation and cultural interpretation, and the academic work required the division of research into three sections, the first: the intellectual roots of the origin of human rights, the second section addresses the impact of political thought in the formulation of human rights, and the third section  is entitled: The Influence of Political Thought in the Interpretation of Human Rights.


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How to Cite

hamd, a.t.mohammed hazm. (2021). The Impact of Political Thought on Human Rights. Political Sciences Journal, 62, 425-448.

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