معوقات اصلاح مجلس الامن والمتغيرات الدولية الجديدة


  • أ.م.د.رياض مهدي عبد الكاظم كلية الآداب-جامعة واسط



الكلمات المفتاحية:

اصلاح مجلس الامن، الأمم المتحدة، المتغيرات الدولية، حق النقض، نظام الامن الجماعي.


شهد النظام الدولي الذي تأسس بعد انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية والذي أنشأ منظمة الأمم المتحدة تغييرات عديدة، القت بظلالها على طبيعة عمل المنظمة الدولية وبالأخص على جهازها التنفيذي الأول والاهم (مجلس الامن)، مما أدى الى ضعف دوره أحيانا وشلله وعدم قدرته من أداء المهام التي نص عليها ميثاق المنظمة، وهو ما دفع بالمنظمة نفسها الى العمل على اجراء إصلاحات داخلها بوجه عام والسعي لإجراء إصلاحات في مجلس الامن بوجه خاص، وترافق هذا الجهد أيضا بجهود اكاديمية واستشارية لتقديم مقترحات للتعديل بما ينعكس على فاعلية أداء المجلس، الا انها اصطدمت بمعوقات عديدة منها ما يتعلق بالمنظمة نفسها ومنها ما يتعلق بمصالح الدول الكبرى دائمة العضوية وصاحبة حق النقض داخل المجلس


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List of Sources and reference:
I United Nations Charter, New York, 1945.
II Abu Bakr Desouki, Sixty Years of the United Nations - Obstacles to Reform, Al International Policy Magazine, Issue 162, 2005.
III Report of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, A Safer World: Our Shared Responsibility, New York, United Nations, document symbol A / 59/565, 2004.
IV Hassan Nafaa, The United Nations in Half a Century, The World of Knowledge Series, Kuwait, 1995.
V Hassan Nafaa, International Organization, Al Shorouk International Library, Cairo Department of Political Science, 2002.
VI Khalfan Karim, The Security Council and the Challenges of Global Peace and Security: A Study in the Light of the United Nations Organization's Reform Proposals, Al-Mufakir Magazine, 10th Issue, Algeria, 2014.
VII Sabreen Abdel-Rahman Al-Qarinawi, The Role of the United Nations in the International System: A Comparative Study, published MA Thesis, Faculty of Graduate Studies / University of Beirut, Palestine, 2008.
VIII Othman Nasser Mansour, Security Council and the Need for Reform, Al-Rai Newspaper, 10/30/2017
IX Adnan Daoud Abdul-Shammari, The Effectiveness of the UN Security Council in Confronting Non-International Armed Conflicts, Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Diyala University, Volume Five, First Issue, 2016.
X Ali Hadi Al-Shakrawi, Security Council Reform between Practical Necessities and Political Determinants, College of Law, University of Babylon, 2007.
XI Ali Yusef Al-Shukry, Security Council Reform between Reality and Ambition, Najafi Studies Journal, Kufa Studies Center, Fifth Issue, 2006.
XII Faraj Essam bin Jalil, the UN Security Council, a study of legal and political competence and the manifestations of its imbalance and obstacles to reform in light of international changes, a master's thesis, published, College of Arts and Sciences, Middle East University, Jordan, 2017.
XIII The referral letter dated 12/1/2004, addressed to the Secretary-General by the Chairman of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change.
XIV Muhammad Baraka, Challenges of the Security Council Reform Project, Journal of the Mediterranean Dialogue, Volume IX, Issue 2, 2018.
XV Muhammad Hussain Kazim al-Issawi, The Right of Veto in the Security Council from the Perspective of International Law, a research published in Ahl al-Bayt Magazine, Ahl al-Bayt University, Karbala, Issue 11, 2010
XVI Msika Muhammad al-Soghair, UN Security Council Resolutions between the Charter and Implementation Texts, published master's thesis, Ben Anknoun Law School, University of Algiers, 2010.
XVII Yossi M. Hanimaki, United Nations, a very short introduction, translated by Muhammad Fathy Khader, Hendawi Foundation, 2017.
XVIII Bazid Ali, Reform of the UN Security Council until when to postpone, research published on the Arab Democratic Center website in 2017 at the following link: https://democraticac.de/?p=50891
XIX News report on the BBC Arabic website, The veto, facts and figures, 12/19/2017, at the following link: https://www.bbc.com/arabic/world-42400008
XX Garsh Adel, Collective Security in the International Reality, a research published on the Arab Democratic Center website 10/16/2016 at the following link:
XXI John Barry, Reform of the United Nations, translated by Farouk Al-Saad, from the Newsweek newspaper, Al-Mada newspaper, at the following link: https://almadapaper.net/sub/04-366/p04.htm
XXII Rania Matermaoui, Reform of the Security Council, Al-Hiwar Al-Mutmadoun Magazine - Issue: 3659, 2012, at the following link:
XXIII Syed Qasim Al-Masry, Security Council Membership, Al-Shorouk Newspaper, 31 / October / 2015, at the following link:
XXIV Muhammad Damo, The United Nations Organization in Light of the Changes of the International System - Challenges and Obstacles -, Journal of Legal Sciences, Legal Sciences Website, 2013, at the following link: https://bit.ly/2Oz2kxB
XXV Proposals to reform and renew membership in the Security Council, research published on Maraji website at the following link:
XXVI Naji Malaeb, Security Council reform projects and their reflection on collective security, a research published on the Arab Security and Defense website on February 23, 2017, at the following link:
XXVII Nabil Al-Arabi, The failure of the international collective security system, an article published in the electronic newspaper Al-Shorouk on February 16, 2018 at the following link: https://www.shorouknews.com/columns/view.aspx?cdate=16022018&id=e385bda1-91f4-434a-8c02-aa6cf1986a83
XXVIII Namira Najm - Legal Adviser to the African Union - A unified position for Africa to obtain the right of veto and a permanent seat in the Security Council, Al Youm Al Sabea Newspaper, January 12, 2020 at the following link: https://bit.ly/3eAooTj
XXIX Heba Al-Qudsi, The Power Struggle within the Security Council, a study published on the Internet on 12/25/2013 at the following link: https://aawsat.com/home/article/14698
XXX Heba al-Qudsi, the struggle for influence within the Security Council, a study published on the Internet at the following link: https://aawsat.com/home/article/14698



كيفية الاقتباس

عبد الكاظم أ. م. (2021). معوقات اصلاح مجلس الامن والمتغيرات الدولية الجديدة. مجلة العلوم السياسية, 60, 93-120. https://doi.org/10.30907/jj.v0i60.487

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