nternational will in the Security Council Towards the Syrian crisis


  • د.ضمير عبد الرزاق محمود Mosul University / College of Political Science




International will, conflict, crisis, veto, Security Council


Nations witnessed since its existence a state of wills conflict as a result of the intersection and intertwining of interests, through which it sought to achieve its goals and objectives, and this has often led to direct military conflicts and countless wars, and witnessed the entry into global wars in which humanity lost millions of lives and losses .Despite the great changes in the international arena, especially in recent decades, the conflict of wills has not ceased, although some of its features and forms have changed, and it has become more complicated after the withdrawal of this conflict to international organizations and bodies, including the Security Council. It is mandated under the Charter of the United Nations to work for achieving international peace and security through the consensus of the permanent states and the issuance of effective resolutions to resolve the problems and issues before it, as the features of the conflict of wills between the member states in the discussions of the Syrian crisis have clearly emerged, which hindered the Council's ability to address them and caused them to continue for several years .It was reflected on more losses and even greater complexity of the situation.


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List of Sources and reference:
i. Hassan Nafaa, "The United Nations in Half a Century, A Study in the Development of International Organization since 1945", The National Council for Culture and Arts, Kuwait, 1995, p. 45.
ii. The body of Chapter 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, in the chapter on the purposes and principles of the Commission, paragraph 1, p. 5, includes details of the above.
iii. Ibid., 5.
iv. The Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of the International Court of Justice, see Chapter V containing the composition of the Security Council and the voting mechanism under Articles 23, 27, p. 21.
v. The same source, p. 21.
vi. On the nature of the discussions that took place between the heads of delegations and the objections expressed by some countries ... Hassan Nafaa, see the United Nations in half a century, the source mentioned earlier, p. 69.
vii. For more on the uses of American military power, see Ziauddin Sardar and Merrill Wayne Davies, "Why the World Hates America", translated by Moein Al-Imam, Obeikan Library, Riyadh, 2005, pp. 184-208.
viii. Boutros Gali. An Agenda for peace, preventive Diplomacy. peace Making and peace- Keeping Report of the Secretary General Pursuant to statement Adopted
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x. We refer to President Bill Clinton's speech in the General Assembly marking the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations, stating that "The United States of America will act alone without the United Nations if it is obliged to do so. For more information, see the statements of world leaders on the occasion, 22-24 October 1995, United Nations, New York, 1996, p. 11.
xi. Khansan al-Gharib, The Predicament of the American Empire, Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, March / 2008, pp. 21-23.
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xiv. The same source, p. 13.
xv. Hilal Muhammad Abdul-Ghani, "Crisis Management Skills, Performance Development and Development Center", Cairo, 4th floor, 2004, p. 5.
xvi. Abdul Salam Juma Zaqoud, "Crisis Management under the New World Order", Zahran Publishing and Distribution House, Amman, 2012, p. 23.
xvii. Ibrahim Saeed Al-Baidhani, American Policy toward Syria, Amwaj for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2015, p. 9.
xviii. Hisham Al-Najjar, previously mentioned source, p. 36.
xix. Without a writer’s name, Hot Files, “The Arab Spring with Israeli Eyes,” Galilee Publishing, Palestinian Studies and Research, Amman, 2013, p. 16.
xx. Ahmad Saeed Nofal and others, previously mentioned source, p. 24.
xxi. Munir Al-Hamsh, “What Does America Want From Syria? And Why Do You Hate Arab Nationalism?”, The Arab Future Magazine, Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, Issue 457 in March, 2017, p. 136.
xxii. Hisham Al-Najjar, previously mentioned source, p. 37.
xxiii. The same source, p. 37.
xxiv. Hassan Mohammed Al-Zein, The Arab Spring, The Last Operations of the Greater Middle East, New Dar Al-Qalam, Beirut, 2013, p. 20.
xxv. Ahmad Saeed Nofal and others, the strategic implications of the Arab revolutions, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha - Beirut, 2014, p. 20.
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xxvii. The same source, p. 131.
xxviii. Ahmad Saeed Nofal and others, previously mentioned source, p. 34.
xxix. Said Refaat, The Role of the Syrian Situation in Recalling Foreign Interventions and Escalating Terrorist Activities, Arab Affairs Magazine, Cairo, No. 164, 2015, p. 5.
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xxxi. Hussein Muhammad al-Zayn, the same source, p. 92.
xxxii. Mina Ishaq Tanios, “Turkish Policy Towards Syria Since 2002 Until Now”, The Arab Knowledge Bureau for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2014, p. 9.
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xxxiv. Haifa Ahmad Muhammad, “The Turkish Attitude towards the Syrian Crisis,” Journal of Political Studies, House of Wisdom, Baghdad, No. 24, 2013, p. 62.
xxxv. Jihad Odeh, “International Conflict Concepts and Issues”, Dar Al-Hoda for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2005, p. 18.
xxxvi. Muhammad Al-Qaryouti, “Organizational Behavior - Study of Individual and Group Human Behavior in Business Organizations,” Wael Publishing, Amman, 2009, p. 258.
xxxvii. Ismail Sabri Muqallad, "International Political Relations, A Study in Fundamentals and Theories", Kuwait University, Kuwait, 1982, p. 213.
xxxviii. Ali Hussein Bakir, The Destructive American Role in the Syrian Crisis, an article published on (Syria Net website) on the Internet on 24/8/2015, and on the link Alsouria. Net
xxxix. Jeffrey Begman, Contemporary Diplomacy Representation and Communication in the World of Globalization, translated by Dr. Mohamed Safwat Hassan, Dar Al-Fajr for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2014, p. 225.
The same source, p. 226.40
xl. Nawaf Salam, “Lebanon in the Security Council 2010-2011”, Dar Al-Saqi, Beirut, 2012, p. 93
xli. Ghazi Dahman, "The Repercussions of Syrian Developments on the Upcoming Russian-American Relations", Arab Affairs Magazine, Cairo, No. 169, 2017, p. 87The same source, p. 38.43
xlii. Sherif Darwish El-Labban and Ahmed Ali Ibrahim, The Role of Media in Crisis Management ... The Syrian Crisis as a Model, a report issued by the Arab Center for Research and Studies, Cairo, dated November 22, 2015
Sunni Al-Husseini, previously mentioned source, p. 41.45
xliii. United Nations Documentation Center published on the World Wide Web site and at the link:
en / org / un / w.w.w
The same source.47
The same source.48
xliv. It is published on the global website of the Internet, on the Al-Arabiya website and on the link www.alarabiya.net
xlv. It is published on the global website of the Internet and on the website of France 24 Channel, and at the link: http: //www.france24.com/ar
xlvi. Quoted from the United Nations Documentation Center published on the World Wide Web site and at: / en / org / un / w.w.w



How to Cite

محمود د. ع. ا. (2020). nternational will in the Security Council Towards the Syrian crisis. Political Sciences Journal, 59, 333-364. https://doi.org/10.30907/jj.v0i59.466

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