The Role of Iraqi Woman in the 2021 Elections


  • Badrea Salih Abdulla



: Women's political participation, parliamentary elections, women's quota, The role of women in the Iraqi Parliament.


After the political change in Iraq in 2003, Iraq witnessed a stage of social and political development and the strengthening of the legal foundations of the state system, by the approval of the permanent Iraqi constitution of 2005, and stipulating the quota system.

Iraqi women participated in the parliamentary elections from 2005 until 2021, and despite the participation of Iraqi women in all elections, there are challenges that women in Iraq face that prevent their political participation in general and participation in parliament in particular. There are factors behind this, including those related to Iraqi women themselves, including those concerning the political institution and factors related to the nature of society, and its prevailing culture.


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How to Cite

Salih Abdulla, B. (2023). The Role of Iraqi Woman in the 2021 Elections. Political Sciences Journal, 65, 131-156.

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