A future view for the political systems of the Arab Gulf states After normalization ... the United Arab Emirates as a case study


  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Hamsa Qahtan Khalaf University of Baghdad/ College of Political Science




regime behavior, normalization, international pressure


The dangers of (Israel's) integration with Arab countries in the middle east region will threaten the Arab security structure dimension, which the latter makes the Arab regional system vulnerable for distortion due to its nominal and symbolic value which is far from the Arab self and questioning with its effectiveness in comparing with the real capabilities to Arab countries in achieving the common targets. So, how to assess the different problems that began to hit the structure of the Arab regional system? and how to pledge an allegiance after putting forward what is known as the American Deal of the Century for the administration of former US President Donald Trump for making another step toward normalization with (Israel)?. The reveal is an additional factor that affect the extent of weakening or fragmentation to the system of the Arab regional environment, being the main objective for both the United States of America and (Israel) alike, hoping to obstruct the outputs of the boundary between the Arab Mashreq and the Maghreb to be dominated by conflict, crises and instability. Especially after the spread of the Corona pandemic in 2020, and many concepts that changed the manner of dealing with the catastrophic issues, which affect the future of the relations of the Arab Gulf region countries that also face a difficult historical experiment and test as a form of the relationship in the post-normalization stage that began in mid-August 2020 with the United Arab Emirates to be a case study of this research in Arab gulf region.


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How to Cite

Khalaf, A. H. Q. (2022). A future view for the political systems of the Arab Gulf states After normalization ... the United Arab Emirates as a case study. Political Sciences Journal, 64, 69-94. https://doi.org/10.30907/jcopolicy.vi64.587

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